The Power of Meditation

When times are challenging, when things start to spin out of control, it is easy to find ourselves going down the rabbit hole and losing perspective. When we are unable to shut off our thoughts, it puts us in a negative state and drains our energy. The practice of meditation in times of stress and adversity can help quiet our minds. Kundan International School, which comes under Top 10 CBSE Schools in Chandigarh, we prepared this blog to aware the children with the power of meditation.

Meditation stills the mind from its daily chatter and teaches us how to be in the moment. It allows us opportunities to breathe and to see our lives with our eyes open, in a calm, peaceful way. And when we are in that calm, peaceful state, we interact and communicate with others more authentically and precisely.

How Meditation Calms Your Mind and Makes You Feel More Alive.

1.Meditation helps you foster inner peace.

2.Meditation helps improve your concentration.

3.Meditation helps you find more perfect moments.

4.You begin to feel more alive.

5.Meditation helps to awaken forgiveness.


Manpreet Kaur


Kundan International School